Church Etiquette

“A Time & Place for Everything”

Proper etiquette is about relationship-building with God and each other. Worship is a blessed privilege that should be guarded with love and zeal. Psalm 96:9; “O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. The honor and majesty of God is to be respected. We must all admit that proper and God-pleasing church etiquette is too often at a minimum. Ecclesiastes 5:1says: “Walk prudently when you go to the house of God; and draw near to hear …” How can we achieve this?

These are the Do’s and Don’ts to achieve the ultimate worship experience:

“A Time & Place for Everything”

Proper etiquette is about relationship-building with God and each other. Worship is a blessed privilege that should be guarded with love and zeal. Psalm 96:9; “O worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness. The honor and majesty of God is to be respected. We must all admit that proper and God-pleasing church etiquette is too often at a minimum. Ecclesiastes 5:1says: “Walk prudently when you go to the house of God; and draw near to hear …” How can we achieve this?

These are the Do’s and Don’ts to achieve the ultimate worship experience:

1. Do drive all the way to the front spot, allowing for three separate aisles, whenever parking in our church parking lot.

2. Do arrive on time. It’s disrespectful to disrupt after the worship service has begun. Do refrain from chatting, distracting behavior, note-passing. Don’t forget that Jesus said, ”My house shall be called of all nations a house of prayer.” (Mark 11:17)

3. Don’t use mobile phones, electronics, or any other distracting devices. All potential noise makers should be kept off or switched to silent. God’s house is a place of reverence. 1 Corinthians 14:40: “Let all things be done decently and in order.”

4. Do Enjoy the Church worship experience. The congregation is expected to actively participate in worship service. Please Stand up and participate in worship and praise service. However, God’s house is a place for reverence and worship, not loud and idle conversations.

5. Don’t walk (entering or leaving the sanctuary), whenever the Pastor or Minister is speaking from the pulpit, during scripture, prayer or communion. Pastor already has a problem staying focused. Let’s help him out by not adding additional distractions!

6. Do Stand and walk around the front of the church during offering. (Even in the case that you have nothing to give, walk around the giving basket and ask the Lord to bless you to give in the future).

7. Don’t talk, laugh or joke during the aforementioned times. Only acceptations are during an emergency. This is a distraction and considered a form of disrespect. Zephaniah 1:7 “Hold thy peace at the presence of the Lord God…

8. Do Stand for the Reading of God’s Word by Anyone (Ministers, Deacons or Layperson).

9. Don’t enter Pulpit at any time. The pulpit area is a sacred area in the church that should only be entered by the pastor and ordained ministers.

10. Do Speak for the side area in our church which is set aside with a standing microphone for everyone to speak. 11. Do Speak to others and foster a friendly and welcoming atmosphere.

12. Don’t eat or drink. This rule also extends to no gum chewing. Of course exceptions are to be made for medical reasons or small children.

13. Do raise your finger to eye-level to get the attention of an usher or officer on duty.

14. Don’t Walk down the Center Aisle if the Church has Started. When entering, please wait to be greeted and seated by an usher. If you would like to sit with a certain party of individuals such as family or friends, politely and quietly inform the usher and they will attempt to accommodate your request.

15. Do stand During Reading of Scripture

16. Don’t enter through the side door when entering church. Always quietly enter through the front door, take a temperature check, and wait to be greeted by an usher.

17. Do attempt to stay in church until the benediction which is the final blessing and dismissal of church.

18. Lastly, Do enjoy Greater Mt. Sinai Missionary Baptist Church of Compton. It is a glorious place where God Dwells, and God’s people lovingly connect with one another.

Pastor Kalvin E. Cressel, Sr. 


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